Readers Diary – Kripa Zacheria

  • August 19, 2020

Readers’ Diary includes some of my beautiful readers who’ve had a curly hair transformation after following the Curly Hair Routine. A whole section dedicated to my readers.

So here’s a big shoutout to all my lovely readers – I would love it if you can share photos of your curly hair’s before & after, how the blog has helped you and a paragraph about your routine and products. Send them to

“Hi lovelies, my name is Kripa Zacheria and I come from a family of curly and frizzy hair. And I never knew how to handle my hair. I started straightening my hair everyday for about 10 years. I would iron just the fringes and leave the remaining part in a bun. This damaged my hair and I lost a lot of hair. My hair became really thin and I didn’t have many options on how to do my hair other than putting it up in a bun.  

And slowly, I started noticing people with curly hair and it made me wonder what my curls would look like. I talked to a few of my friends with curly hair and they directed me to this blog. Eventually I started going through Curls and Beauty Diary and just reading and watching the CG method.

One fine day, I decided that’s enough of just watching stuff and it’s time to do something about my hair.   Initially I did not know what products to use as not all CG friendly products are available in Dubai, UAE. I started off with silicone and paraben free shampoos and conditioners. Soon after, I started using OGX Argan oil shampoo and OGX coconut oil conditioner. OH YES, I disowned my straightener and blow-dryer. I would oil my hair and let it be for longer durations. And I used garlic-oil paste for my scalp for hair growth. I would apply oil on my scalp and massage it, keep it for about 20mins and wash the scalp well with shampoo. I always put my hair in the front and bow my head to use the products and scrunch. This helps me to see clearly how I’m handling my hair. I started washing my hair gently and used shampoo only to wash the oil off my scalp. Honestly, that’s all I needed. The washed shampoo dripping down is sufficient for the remaining hair. After this, I would apply conditioner on just the hair and not the scalp. I started detangling my hair while the conditioner was on. Detangling with my fingers and then apply more conditioner and finally scrunching the hair up. To wash my hair after all this, I would gently scrunch my hair with little water on my palms. I started using the famous Mallu towel (white one with the single-color line on the either ends) to just dry my hair. No vigorous patting or rubbing, I just let the towel be and use my curl cream (OGX kukui oil) on the wet, damp hair and again detangle with my fingers and of course scrunch it again. And let is airdry or use a diffuser but I’m lazy so I would just let it airdry.  

It took me about a year and a half for my hair to start showing healthy curls. I did chop off my hair in the very beginning because I wanted my damaged hair away. The key is patience. I had to wait for my hair to grow out and my hair to slowly start changing. I could tell the difference slowly. The hair growing out was thicker and darker. I had at least 3 major haircuts. I chopped my hair as it grew out, to completely get rid of the damaged hair and just have the healthy hair on my head. After about 2 years, my curls were tamed and had a better texture.  

If you’re new to the CG method or want to start off, I would say patience is the key. However, there is no better feeling of satisfaction and happiness when you finally see your locks natural and healthy. I love my hair now and only wish I had started taking care of them earlier! I have said good-byes to all heat products and trust me, it was hard but I was ready for it. This was a major step for me and you’ll see major differences just when you stop using iron/straightener/blow-dryers. I know I do not hair the perfect curls yet, but now I know I’m getting there slowly and I love this journey already. I hope I have shared some light and made this seem not-so-very-complicated. Love you all beautiful people 😊”

Start your own curl transformation today! – Start Here. Read about other readers’ transformations here – Readers’Diary. Submit your own diary at

Blog Comments

Hey, i wanted to know if there any good curl products for refresh in mist form, so that its easy to refresh when your in a hurry.? Instead of wetting the hair and doing it all over again.?

Kinky Curly Spiral Spritz

It looks amazing!
I thinking about start oiling scalp <3

I think you should make the search box bigger, and more colourful. That would make it easier for readers to navigate the site. This will also lead to people staying longer on the site and reading more articles. (Just a small suggestion)

Thanks for the suggestion Vishnu 🙂 Will take it into consideration if I do any site updates.

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