Reader Testimonial – Ceelia Thomas

  • October 9, 2018

Readers’ Diary includes some of my beautiful readers who’ve had a curly hair transformation after following the Curly Hair Routine. A whole section dedicated to my readers.

So here’s a big shoutout to all my lovely readers – I would love it if you can share photos of your curly hair’s before & after, how the blog has helped you and a paragraph about your routine and products. Send them to

“I started my hair journey at the start of 2017 after I came across this blog and saw lots of gorgeous pictures which made me wonder whether my hair could be that way too since I have noticed the curl pattern in my hair for ages. I used to brush my hair all my life in an attempt to make it look as straight as possible and always hated the process. I even used to comb it in a very harsh way out of desperation. Not to mention all the heat styling and salon treatments, which ultimately made my hair a big heap of frizz.

I took baby steps each day, reading various posts, adjusting the products according to availability and budget. Also it gave me an opening into the CG world and once I was in there was no going back. I saw hundreds of curly hair girls embracing their hair which was such a confidence boost.

After a few months of trial and error I have found a few products that gave me better results than the others.

Current curly hair routine :

  1. Shampoo – The Body Shop Rainforest Moisture Shampoo / Ogx Coconut Curls (Twice a week) and Johnson’s Baby 2 in 1 Shampoo and conditioner ( On days I feel my hair is too dirty and need the foaming effect psychologically)
  2. Conditioner– The Body Shop Rainforest Moisture Conditioner – Ogx conditioners (Argan Oil / Coconut curls / O2
    Hydration / Biotin and collagen). I love the entire range and try a different one whenever I can.
  3. Leave inCantu Argan Oil Leave-in , Or double up The Body Shop Rainforest Moisture Conditioner as leave in when I run out.
  4. Curl CreamCantu Shea Butter Curl Activator cream & Phil Smith Curly Locks Curl defining cream
  5. GelSet Wet Cool Hold
  6. I usually apply the products in the same order as above and sometimes I detangle with conditioner before the shampoo too, if my hair is too tangled.
  7. Miscellaneous – Livon Serum, Ogx extra penetrating Argan Oil, Ogx Coconut Oil Mist. I use the either after the leave-in occasionally, or during refreshing.
  8. Deep conditioning : Once/twice a week with a mixture of coconut oil,Olive Oil and Castor oil. yoghurt + Lemon mask once a week for dandruff removal. Fenugreek mask ( whenever I feel like it, mostly once in a month)
  9. Clarifying (ACV rinse) : once in 3/4 weeks – Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Rinse for Curly Hair
  10. Gelatin Treatment : once in 3/4 weeks – Homemade gelatin protein treatment for damaged curly hair

I failed to see great changes in the first few months so was pretty disheartened, but then, like they all say good things take time( and lots and lots of patience), so finally after 6-7 months I started seeing amazing changes and I’m super glad I didn’t give up. I did have a lot of damage from colouring, it seemed to make my hair dry, so I have decided not to experiment with colouring again. A good chop helped me get over some amount of the damage and even though I was a bit disappointed because of the
length , It was for the best. One year into the journey, I have been seeing a pretty good transformation. I still have bad hair days, but at least I have grown to love my hair and I don’t think I’ll ever think ‘I wish I had straight hair’ anymore, Thanks to all you Curlies out there. I love your work, and Keep Inspiring all Curlies out there.”

Start your own curl transformation today! – Start Here. Read about other readers’ transformations here – Readers’Diary. Submit your own diary at

Blog Comments

Hi Anjana,

Wonderful post. Very informative and motivating. You have shared wonderful step by step information which will be easy to follow. After your routine, I must say your hair has gain life. It is looking lot beautiful and shiny.

Thanks for this post, have a great day. 🙂

She has beautiful curls!

Much improvement. Looks much better.

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