How to transition from chemically straightened hair to your natural curly hair

  • December 19, 2015
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  • How to transition from chemically straightened hair to your natural curly hair

I get a lot of queries from readers who have straightened their curly hair for too long and have damaged their hair in the process. They just want to get out of this vicious cycle of straightening and damaging. Not to forget, the curly crown-straight length unruly look in between the straightening sessions. If you have finally decided to stop this torture on your hair, the battle is half won already. Please read on to know how to transition from chemically straightened hair to naturally curly hair.

I have never chemically straightened my hair. So my transition was just from unruly curly hair to curly hair that I love and so I don’t have my personal experience to share. But I thought of writing this article on the transition from straightened to curly hair because there are so many of you who want to make this change.

Transitioning, in this context, is the process of growing out your natural curly texture till your hair is long enough to cut off the straight damaged ends.

Transitioning is challenging because you’re dealing with two different hair textures. And both the textures need to be respected or else your hair will break at the meeting point. You can’t turn hair that has been straightened back into its natural curly state. It is a permanent irreversible change. You need to be patient for months, at least, to grow out your hair so that it is long enough to chop off the straight ends.

Should you perm the straightened ends?

Please do not perm the straightened ends, as the hair is already damaged because of the straightening. Perming on top of it might cause hair to burn or break off.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you in your journey to transition from straightened to curly hair.

Avoid more damage:

Ditch all the chemical relaxers and heat tools for good. Your hair finally deserves some TLC. 4 reasons straightening regularly is bad for your hair


Invest in ultra-rich hydrating conditioners, leave ins and a mild shampoo.

Use a deep moisturizing hair mask for 20-30 minutes at least once a week

Strengthen your hair:

If you feel that your hair is too weak and about to break, use a protein rich hair mask to strengthen it.

Hairstyles during transitioning:

Try hairstyles like buns and up dos so that most part of your straight hair is not visible. Or if you want to hide the curly part (for now), use stoles, scarves or headbands.

Haircuts to help with transition:

Once your hair has grown long enough, start getting mini haircuts on the straightened parts of your hair. The less straight ends you have, the more confident you will be. Chop regularly throughout your transition. Some people also like to grow it out to a length till they are confident to cut off the straight ends in one go. This is called the big chop. Choose whatever you are comfortable with.

Follow the basics:

The basics are still the same. So for your everyday hair care routine start following the curly hair regimen mentioned here.

Below are a few accounts from my readers who have been successful in transitioning from chemically straightened hair to naturally curly hair. Please read these to get motivated and to start on this journey for yourself.

Harini and her transition story – Reader Testimonial – Harini Narayanan

Greeshma and her transition story – Reader Testimonial – Greeshma Anish

Rukmani and her transition story – Reader Testimonial – Rukmani Anantharaman

Sargun and her transition story – Reader Testimonial – Sargun Kaur

Dumpi and her transition story – Reader Testimonial – Dumpi

It’s just a matter of months of patience. I can guarantee the wait will be worth embracing your natural hair texture and putting a full stop to all the damage it has gone through over the time.



Blog Comments

Useful article Anjana !!!!

Hi! I got tired of straightening my hair for almost 4 years and now finally decided to stop. It had been a year since I chemically treat my hair, But the outgrowing process is painfully slow and I cannot seem to find a way to style it. And it have been chopped to shoulder length. Can you suggest me ways to deal with this? Thanks ya!

Hey Alicia, yes transitioning can be very slow 😐 Are you on Instagram? You can find many transitioning beauties there who can inspire you. You can also look for styles 🙂

Hey anjana. No yar, I’m not. Could you suggest me any pages I can take as inspiration?

Just search for #transitioninghair or similar hashtags

Hey Hai chaitra here hv one question can we turn permanent straightened hair into permanent curls have to cut them off and grow out your natural hair

thank god im not the only one…finaly i know why my hair stood like lion’s mane…never using that brush again but are we not supposed to comb at all? I recently bought a sandalwood wide toothed comb. I just cant step out without combing lol
also im looking for your videos but cant locate them,

Which video?

Hello Anjana! I just came across this beautiful website! Real inspiration around here. I’ve been treating my hair chemically to make it straight for 12 years. About a year ago Iet it grow while straight with iron but no chemicals use, while I get my curls around all my hear. Now I have my entire hair chemically-free and tryning to give my curls form. However on the front it won’t go curly, it stays straight without doing anything. Any advise? Greetings from Costa Rica 🙂

Thank you! When did you stop using heat?

Around 2 months ago. Every hair gets curl except my front part.

That is a very short time. Usually you would need to grow out the heat damage especially if it is heavily damaged. Check this –

Hey Anjana, I went through hair smoothening process and it really feels awful. I have wavey hair naturally. Please suggest what can I do to gain back the bounce and waves in my hair.


You have to cut it off little by little as mentioned in this post

I did smoothening a year ago and now my hair is half curly half straight when my new hair will grow it will be wavy or curly as my natura texture was wavy.

I made the mistake 2years ago to have a salon keratin treatment. My hair still isn’t the same. I want my curls back, I knew I’d made a mistake 48 hours after the treatment, when I could my hair. I will NEVER do anything to my curls again.

That’s a great decision Carole!

Maine smoothing ek mahina pehle krwai par par mujhe wo pehle wale baal chaiye jaise pehle the. Koi aisa ghrelu upchar jismei mei jladi se pele jaise bal pa saku.

My fringes are straightened. I need to make them curly. When i scrunch them, they become unmanageable. What should I do?

Straightened hair will not become curly, as mentioned in this post already. You need to cut it off

once it is straightened to get back the old hair what is to be done..we can chop it off..then finally if that is done will we get our old hair back

Yes, that’s correct

So helpful! I thought I was the only one and didn’t have anyone to talk to since all the girls I know have straight hair. Thank you so much for this.

I am glad Aloo !

I straighten my hair once a year for special occasions. I just had it done and had it straight for a week. I washed it and my curls came back but the ends are straight. I have never had this problem before in the past and I am very upset about my curls! I don’t know what to do. My curls have always came back fine, and I straighten it’s once a year!?

Hiii Anjana!!! I too done the mistake !! Ur blog is very helpful Ur my saviour 🙂 I ‘m in transitioning phase!! Tks a ton!! Wid lots of love😘

I am glad to hear that Shree!

But the transition process is just in 2 months of transition… Pls suggest me some products🙄🙄


Hi Anjana,

Thanks for sharing your experience and amazing tips on curly hair. I have started my regimen since 2 weeks and already feel alot of difference. My hair is softer, smoother, shinier and more manageable. Though I had got smoothening done one year back hence I am eagerly waiting to grow my hair and chop off the chemically treated tips.
I also have problem of Grey hair and have to get it covered evry alternate month. I have switched to heena as I wanted natural care for me hair. I also read in one of your blog that heena straighten the curls hence wanted to ask you if you want any pro tips for me. Also I get few flaky dandruff too.

Irene, that same post on hair colouring lists down how to minimise damage.

Dear Anjana,

I’m Maha from Malaysia, I managed to recover my hair from damages due to straightening. Now my hair long and curly. I used organic shampoo and complete hair care like shampoo, mask, thermal spray and serum. I still need to improve for more define curls. Could you advice me?

Hi Maha, include a gel and/or leave in depending on the weather at your place and skip the spray and serum

Hi Anjana
I had frizzy but long hair naturally..Worst decision I have done aqua silk treatment a month back. First week hair looked all good post that tremendous hairfall has started😐.
I m really scared of I will get back my natural hair
In went back to salon they gave me scale treatment and asked to use mild shampoo
Now my only worry I want back my natural hair..plssss help

This post will help with that Kavita

Anjana i have straightened my hair but it looks like super straight. how can i change to natural looking like small wavy look

You cannot, this post explains exactly that – have you read it?

Ma’am, i have chemically straightened only my crown hair so must i follow the same methods for chemically straightened hair.

Yes, Aleena

Hey Anjana, I underwent what I was told was a keratin treatment back in January this year. Bit unlike the actual keratin which should wear off I think a smoothening was done so now half more hair is super straight and the upper half is curly. I had one hair cut end of July and I ve been trying to get salons to trim it again but I’ve been told it hasn’t grown much since the last cut. Should I just wait and grow it out much more and go for one big chop. My last cut was a long layer. Also, been watching quite a few girls cutting their own hair, would that be a safe option?

Hi Shruthi, I think that’s a very personal choice – what do you feel most comfortable with?

I’ve done hair smoothening a year before now got back my curly hair again at the top part..and below am having chemically straightened I decided not to treat my hair with heat styling preferring hair cut now at the bottom which will be better mam?

Which would be better among what, Sharmila?

[…] news may sound less than ideal, especially if you don’t like the “growing out” phase, but it is the safest and healthiest way to “reverse” your straightened […]

Hii, i smoothened my long hair about an year ago and keratined the newly grown hair about 6 months ago. now the keratin is gone and I’m left with newly grown curly hair some old curly hair. but half the hair is pin straight while the other half is frizzy and curly. i wanted to see if i could perm the straight hair because I don’t want to cut my hair at the same time I don’t want straighten the new hair. what do u think i should do? help me out, please. thankyou 🙂

That may cause the hair to break off, but worth the try if you really want to!

hii! so i am very young and when i was even younger my hair was (curly)? my mom straightened my hair for 10 years and now i started to grow (it’s been 2 months) but my hair is becoming weird, i have like two strands of very curly hair but the rest is wavy or straight. (Sorry is my grammar is incorrect i am not english)

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