You followed a perfect curly regimen to define and hydrate and form beautiful looking curls, only to find that it doesn’t look so great on the 2nd or 3rd day after a sleep. Not sleeping properly can crush your curls causing them to look flat and out of definition.Here are 4 ways to sleep with curly hair. During your sleep, your curls are squished and rubbed giving you frizz, fly aways and undefined curls.
Irrespective of whether you are sleeping with dry or wet hair, having a silk pillow is a must. It prevents moisture absorption, frizz and static. Read the full article here – Why sleeping on silk is good for curly hair.
1) Sleeping with wet hair
I wash my hair at night and so I go to sleep with wet hair on my wash day. I sit on my bed, slide my hand underneath my hair (on the back of my neck), lift my hair up, and lie down. This ensures that the back of my neck touches the pillow and my hair is lying behind my head over the pillow and not getting squished under my head. Doing this, my hair never frizzes or gets flat the next morning :). Sleeping with wet hair will not work for everybody, especially those with short hair or people who toss and turn too much during sleep.
2) Sleeping with dry hair
I follow either of the 2 methods listed below (depending on my mood :P)
a) Pineapple
Pineappling means to loosely tie your curls into a very high ponytail on the crown of your head with a scrunchie (Put just one turn so that it is not very tight; or else there will be a dent on your hair) or clip so that the ends of your hair fall in the direction of your face instead of pointing downwards. Basically it looks like a pineapple’s green crown.
This prevents curls from getting squished under your head’s weight. This style lifts the hair’s roots so it also creates volume overnight. This method is easier when you have shorter hair. How to pineapple long curly hair with a (deliberately)broken invisibobble
b) Pony tail
The 2nd method (and the more common one I use) is to tie a simple ponytail with a scrunchie or clip (as before, with the scrunchie, don’t wrap it twice to tie a tight pony). Then I slide my hand underneath my hair (on the back of my neck), lift the pony up, and lie down. This ensures that the back of my neck touches the pillow and my hair is lying behind my head over the pillow and not getting squished under my head.
3) Sleeping with a satin bonnet
I was looking for other ways to sleep with my curly hair in spite of loving my silk pillowcase. That’s when I found this method and I now think it’s better than sleeping with just a silk pillowcase on – Sleep in a satin bonnet to preserve your curls overnight
Here is a post with my full curly hair care routine – My curly hair routine 🙂
Blog Comments
November 29, 2015 at 2:38 pm
Hey thanks for the Article Anjana … Now I know How not to destroy my curls while sleeping with dry hair 🙂 😉
July 16, 2017 at 11:54 pm
So I can’t ever sleep with wet hair but it takes 3.5 hours to dry, but do you move a lot in your sleep? Because I do so I’m not sure that sleeping with wet hair method would work for me…
July 17, 2017 at 11:53 am
I don’t move much in my sleep. I just updated the article, thanks to you 🙂 “Sleeping with wet hair will not work for everybody, especially those with short hair or people who toss and turn too much during sleep”
September 5, 2017 at 11:23 am
Hi Anjana, Thank you so much for your tips and tricks ! I started to read your blog jus 2 days before and I really need to tell you that its amazing.. I have a query here..my hair type fall under fine2a category. Am in Bangalore and I am not able to find enliven and oriflame conditioner s here. I was using dove conditioner ( dryness treatment). I think dove oil care conditioner s are also not available now. Can you please suggest an alternative ? Thanks and hugs, Sikha
September 5, 2017 at 11:51 am
Sikha.. Thanks a ton! Oriflame is available. Check the links in this post – List of Curly Hair Products in India (for every budget)
November 28, 2017 at 6:26 am
Hi, I happen to have awkward lenght hair (too long to leave as it is, too shor to tie) Is there any other way I can sleep with dry hair?
November 28, 2017 at 1:54 pm
Use a buff/bandana or a silk scarf to wrap up your hair
December 1, 2017 at 3:05 pm
Hey Anjana.
I tried the pineapple method.. Though my curls don’t get squished, but it makes the top of my head flat..
I don’t know if this is suppose to happen?
December 1, 2017 at 3:08 pm
What’s your hair length?
December 8, 2017 at 12:19 pm
below my shoulders.
It doesn’t reach my lower back..
December 11, 2017 at 10:14 am
Try shuffing your roots the next morning, like you are giving them a rough massage
December 20, 2017 at 2:08 pm
Hi Anjana,
So I used fruit of the earth Aloe Vera gel to refresh my 3rd day curls and I did one blunder. I brushed it. Curls looked great before I combed and now my hair is so dry and has those crispy portions that you don’t want. How do I get rid of it? Can I just wash it off with a shampoo ? Or let it be.
December 21, 2017 at 10:47 am
Yes washing will get rid of it
December 20, 2017 at 2:09 pm
Also, will my hair fall if I use the aloe Vera gel everyday to refresh ?
December 21, 2017 at 10:47 am
Not at all!
August 28, 2018 at 3:48 pm
Hey Anjana
I have straightened my hair for more than 15 years and I no longer have the patience. In between I did leave my curls on for 1 year but that’s it the frizz etc and living by the sea in a humid city, traveling, shooting(was an actor and model) all took a toll on me. Now I have a very short pixie cut but my sides are quite long and the curls are visible. But the moment I sleep at night, by morning it looks as if I have plugged my fingers into a shock hole 🙂 so I’m compelled to take a head bath or wet it again. And I can’t sleep on wet hair as I get a straight headache. I have too much volume and my hair is 2c/3a type and in short the “Greek curls”. I just want to know how to maintain them during sleep as they r very short. And I follow the CG method.
August 28, 2018 at 5:43 pm
Put it in a silk scarf. You can find some tutorial on Youtube on how to put short curls into a scarf for sleeping
October 27, 2018 at 2:23 pm
I usually put a high ponytail when I go out. when I come back home pineapple my hair.i stay with this bun for atleast 15hrs a day .as my hair is always raised up to a bun my scalp started to pain bec of it .i loose my curl definition if I don’t pineapple my hair and even if I leave it as a ponytail also when I am at home.can u suggest and make a post on how to makeup our hair(for not loosing curl definition) when we r at home
October 29, 2018 at 6:14 pm
A pony or bun is what I do
October 30, 2018 at 8:48 pm
What kind of bun?
October 31, 2018 at 3:27 pm
A very loose bun secured with a plastic claw clip
November 2, 2018 at 11:43 am
November 25, 2018 at 10:17 am
Please do not shower with wet hair if it’s curly, it ruins your curls in the long run. 😯
November 27, 2018 at 7:06 pm
I have been doing it for almost 10 years 🙂
October 18, 2019 at 7:48 am
How do you not shower with wet hair?
October 18, 2019 at 1:43 pm
Hehe, I think she meant *sleep
February 24, 2019 at 1:42 am
Please be aware that sleeping with wet hair not only damages your hair, but causes your pillow and your hair to mold. Hair is extremely fragile when wet, and mold is an extreme health hazard. My stylist has said clients who put their wet hair in a ponytail during the day and leave it to dry also damage their hair and grow mold, which she has unfortunately seen in person! You have such beautiful hair, I would hate to see it damaged.
Even with my thick hair, diffusing it doesn’t take long. I let it air dry for 30 to 60 minutes, clipping the top half up with roller clips to keep the weight from pulling curls out and to help the lower section to dry. Then I finish off with the diffuser, usually to 90% dry, unless I am going directly to bed, then I dry all the way. My products are water-activated, so misting and scrunching with wet hands in the morning is all it takes to wake up tired curls.
I sleep in a pineapple bun, held with soft fabric scrunchies. The top of my head often hurts when I let my hair down (just like it does if I use clips or other hair accessories), but I massage it while I work the water in to revive any tired curls and get the natural oils moving. It can hurt even when I don’t use hair accessories; I think it’s just part of having thick hair. Silk pillowcases are a must for all curlies, but I have been thinking of trying the satin bonnet, like the one you model. My only hurdle is my husband, who I know will make fun of me! Maybe I’ll get him a matching nightcap to keep his balding head warm! 😉
February 25, 2019 at 2:57 pm
Hey! I’ve been doing this for more than 10 years without any mold or damage 🙂
May 21, 2019 at 9:56 am
Love ur blog…. Appreciate for the hardwork… Could u share few hairstyles dat can be done with cg method… I stay in kerala n it’s really hot… I can’t leave my hair out…
May 21, 2019 at 1:48 pm
Thanks Lithu. https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.com/11-easy-everyday-hairstyles-curly-hair/
Chitra Garde
September 27, 2019 at 1:29 pm
Hi Anjana,
I am new to CG. Though I used to chemically straighten my hai for many years and also coloured them.
As of today I have stopped all that for last 6-7 years and now I have virgin hair which is not treated in any which way.
I have , I think 2C to 3A coarse hair which are very frizzy. I am following CGM for last few months but in July I fractured my hand and every thing stopped.
Now again I am starting. I follow your routine for wash, but I have very frizzy hair so after 100% dry crown hair are very frizzy and wavy but bottom layer curls very nicely. Those curls are not shiny and bouncy. Even a gut of wind destroys them.
Also can you tell me how to refresh.
I have longer then shoulder length hair.
September 30, 2019 at 2:13 pm
Hi Chitra, with the years of damage, you won’t see optimal results unless you have cut off all that damage.
Check these posts https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.com/beginner-friendly-simple-curly-hair-starter-kit/
October 28, 2019 at 9:51 am
hi anjana i have just started CG method
My curls are getting spoiled when i wear helmet help me how to protect curls while wearing helmet.
October 28, 2019 at 2:38 pm
Plop your hair into a silk scarf before wearing the helmet. Hope that helps, Ramya!
November 19, 2019 at 4:00 pm
Hi Anjana
Do u never plait ur hair ? If so how often u do and before plait do u detangle it’s or not ?
If I’m sleeping in satin bonnet silk pillow case is not necessary right ?
And I just started my curly hair routine and to lock the curls should I use more cream n gel ? ( since my outer (exposed )hair doesn’t stick together it came of flies )
November 20, 2019 at 2:26 pm
I rarely plait my hair. Even if I do, I don’t detangle it.
Yes you should apply more products. Check this https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.com/16-mistakes-might-making-curly-hair-routine/
November 22, 2019 at 11:32 am
Hi Anjana
Thanks to your video. It really helped me a lot . I had really heavy volume curly hair . Then i started straightening it for atleast ten times. I was really fed up. Came across your blog and video . Currently i m using Hype Body Shampoo and conditioner. First day curls are fine . Second day it turns frizzy is it some thing to do with conditioner . I m aslo using Arata cream but no gel as i m not finding a good one in budget. Secondly how shud i keep my hair in work place . I have a shoulder length short hair. Can i actually leave it. I m not sure ver i m going wrong. I have a thin frizzy hair. I m not able to exactly figure in which type of curly hair i fall. Pls do reply. Thanks a ton
November 22, 2019 at 5:10 pm
Kirti, That’s a lot of questions! Please go through the blog. All of these have been covered.
For 2nd day hair –
Gel –
Hairstyle –
You can leave it open or try other hairstyles too. https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.com/11-easy-everyday-hairstyles-curly-hair/
Type – https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.com/types-of-curly-hair/
Keep Curls Overnight: How To Sleep With Curls And Not Ruin Them – Curling Diva
January 4, 2020 at 12:12 pm
[…] the best way to protect your hair overnight is to put it up in a sort of pineapple. This is basically just a loose, high ponytail on the top of your […]
How to Sleep with Wet Curly Hair – DAVID RAUDALES
January 14, 2020 at 4:45 am
[…] ↑ https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.com/4-ways-to-sleep-with-curly-hair/ […]
October 8, 2020 at 7:28 am
Hi Anjana,
Started following your curly hair routine recently and I’m excited to get a nice healthy hair like yours. But in the meanwhile getting a lot of doubts regarding few things to follow in this process:
1. Which method of hair drying is best/safe for hair : Air Drying or Diffuser drying
2. Once the hair is 100% dry should I scrunch out the crunch? Just like we do in the shower? If so.. why? 🙂
October 12, 2020 at 3:07 pm
1) The safest would be air drying as there is no heat involved. I prefer diffusing though 🙂
2) https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.com/curly-hair-gels-everything-you-need-to-know/
Akshata Shetty
May 3, 2021 at 3:05 pm
Can i use a sat in bonnet to sleep with wet hair.. I have recently started to wash hair at night since my day routine is too packed with two toddlers online school and house work.. I don’t get enough time for head bath.. I have almost waist length hair.. So the first night wash day was succesfuk and I slept with a cotton tshirt plopped. Second time it made my hair dry and frizzy.. Sinnce my daughter takes feed during nights I can’t sleep at one position. Also my kids keep clinging to me at night so it’s impossible to sleep with such hair long open.. Will the sat in bonnet work??
May 5, 2021 at 8:53 am
Hi Akshata, that may not be a good idea as it can be a breeding ground for fungi if hair is wet.
February 6, 2022 at 2:20 am
Thank you for these helpful tips🤗 as it happens, I am just beginning a CGM ( curly girl method) and I hope it works😬😊 But I already sleep with my hair behind me on the pillow like you suggested, and it works great!!! Thanks again👍
February 8, 2022 at 2:33 pm
All the best for your curly journey, Lenora!