My Hair My Pride – Woman’s Day with Vieda Kachiya Enna

  • March 7, 2018
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  • My Hair My Pride – Woman’s Day with Vieda Kachiya Enna
This post is sponsored by Vieda Kachiya Enna

I talk about embracing one’s natural hair every day of the year. But when Vieda approached me with their amazing Woman’s Day campaign of ‘Celebrating one’s freedom in choosing their own hairstyle’, I realized that I need to talk about this subject, giving it the due importance it requires, outside of just making it a part of my usual hair posts.

I started this blog in 2015 with the sole intention of making more and more curlies fall in love with their curly hair. And more so because more than 50% of the Indian population has wavy-curly hair, but they think their hair type is “frizzy”. Frizzy is not a hair type. The umpteen hair transformations that you all share with me fills my heart with immense joy.

But some of you come back to me telling things like “My mother does not allow me to leave my house without combing it dry”, “People make fun of me by calling names like ‘Maggi Noodles’”, “My boss thinks curly hair is inappropriate at work”.

This makes me very sad. In India, we grow up with the notion that straight hair is the only type of hair that is meant to exist; the only hair type that is meant to be beautiful. Starting from movies and ads and ending at our own friends and family. But why is that so? It’s because curly hair is defined as “straight hair with a lot of frizz”. But that is not the case. Curly hair is not meant to be treated like straight hair. The approach is completely different. It is only the lack of awareness that feeds all these beliefs. And when people learn how to take care of their curly hair, the results are absolutely stunning!

All types of hair are beautiful – straight, wavy, curly. It’s the care that makes all the difference. As a curly girl, I ask you, why do you feel the need to succumb to societal (or salon) pressures of “straightening and smoothening”? To feed someone else’s idea about what is beautiful?

This needs to change. And the change starts within you. Some ask me “Will curly hair suit me?”. That just does not make sense because YOUR natural hair WILL suit YOU.

Once you are comfortable with your own hair, once you embrace and understand your natural hair texture, you will realize that it is one of the most empowering & liberating things in your life. You don’t have to damage your hair anymore; you don’t have to walk around with the curly-roots-straight-ends in between your straightening sessions anymore. And are you ready for the compliments? Because you will get many! Everybody around you wants to know how you got those curls. Everybody wants to know how you have so much volume.

Do you hear straight haired women envying their curly counterparts; because suddenly now, everybody wants big voluminous hair. Do you now see advertisements showing more and more curlies on screen and print? Do you finally see brands allowing a bigger umbrella for what defines beauty? Vieda is one such brand that strongly believes that the choice of hairstyle is an individual’s prerogative and celebrates the various hairstyle choices Indian women are making across the country, while breaking away (or sticking to) the more traditional style of longer hair. And with their latest product launch, the Kachiya Enna, they want to help nourish your hair, whatever style you choose to wear it in 🙂

Being a Malayali myself, Kachiya Enna is something close to my roots. It literally translates to heated oil. Since time unknown, grandmothers and mothers have been providing Kachiya Enna to the younger generations by infusing ingredients like aloe vera, hibiscus, red shallots, curry leaves etc. with virgin coconut oil and it is supposedly known to have many benefits ranging from hair growth to treating scalp issues. The long lustrous hair of Malayali women is believed to be because of their hair oiling practices and this Vieda Kachiya Enna in a bottle makes it easy and convenient. The oil has a mix of Coconut oil and Sesame oil heated with Tulsi leaves, Indigo, Henna, Bhringraj, Curry leaves, Red shallots, Hibiscus, Aloe Vera, Camphor and Tea leaves. Vieda Kachiya Enna is available on Amazon here: Vieda Kachiya Enna

So this Woman’s Day, how are you going to embrace yourself? How are you not going to fall for societal standards? How are you going to be, more YOU?

P.S – Vieda is giving away 10 bottles of their Kachiya Enna in connection with Women’s Day. Head over to my Facebook page in sometime for details !


Blog Comments

The post is so wonderfully written Anjana! I recently started my curly hair journey. I used to always straighten my hair before and now I am totally fed up of it. I want to embrace my natural hair. Hope I can make it look as beautiful as yours 🙂

Thanks Pooja 🙂

I am still not confident in letting my hair down..people call me “chidiya ka ghosla”..I want to start ignoring these kinds of comments

You can ! You should 🙂

Omg.. Now only I realized that you are a malayali.
Actually I am waiting for my offer letter to start my career. I had a plan that as soon as I get my first salary I would go for smoothening and make my hair silky soft, Because I have very very frizzy and unmanageable hair. I always dreamed about having very smooth straight hair. But luckily I came across your website and YouTube channel. Now I realized why I got this pile of frizzy split ended hair all the time. I am going to start this routines right away. Now I’m so obsessed with silky smooth bouncing curls. Your hair really made me so motivated just to take care what I naturally have. Thank you so much

I am glad to hear that Alitta!

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